Mai jos sunt o parte din cursurile urmate, majoritatea in ultima perioada, de la aparitia MOOC, dar si mai vechi. Sunt cursuri scurte si foarte scurte, cursuri cu profesori no name sau best name, cursuri oferite de diversi educatori necunoscuti sau de cele mai cunoscute institutii de invatamant, cursuri pe care le-am uitat dupa incheiere si cursuri care mi-au schimbat viata.
Pun acest post sub solganul: cunoasterea sporeste pentru cel ce-o sheruieste, cuoasterea are o dimensiune liturgica, doar impreuna invatarea e cunoastere autentica desi cunosterea este structurata in constiinta.
Bachelor of Art in Behavioural Science – a tuition free online program from AMITY University – materiale cursuri - Behavioral Science Introduction
MOOC Massive Open Online Courses
Introduction to Databases and SQL Querying – UDEMY
Build Your Own MBA – An award winning mini-MBA course – UDEMY
Build Your Own MBA – An award winning mini-MBA course by Rupert Vernalls, MBA, International Speaker, Silicon Valley Lawyer, Lectured at US Dept of Commerce. Founder and CEO at Build Your Own MBA
SharePoint 2013 Introduction – UDEMY
Moodle: From Novice Teacher to Expert Online Educator – UDEMY
Amazon FBA: Start to Finish Guide – UDEMY
Project Management For Entrepreneurs – UDEMY
Office 365 – Basics of Microsoft’s Cloud Service – UDEMY
Overview of Research Tools & Writing a research proposal – UDEMY
Write Research Papers & Get Your Research Published – UDEMY
How to Make an Online Community Platform – Built your own specific community using free tools!
Yoga for Desk Workers & Students – SarahBethYoga
Yoga for Beginners – SarahBethYoga – Stretch, strengthen, tone & relax with quick beginner yoga routines
The Neuroscience of Reframing & How to Do It – Created by Anette Prehn – Reframing should be in the water we drink, scientists say. But how does reframing work – and what happens in the brain?
Transform Your Space With Joy - How to Bring Joy Into Your Home With Feng Shui Inspired Design
Mindful Eating – Healthy Eating Habits for Life!
Archetypal Branding: The Secrets of building a Premium Brand – How the World’s Best Brands build Brand Identity that converts Clients into Brand Advocates and commands Premium Pricing
Blockchain Theory 101 – Basic description, applications, and implication of blockchain technology
Lean Canvas Course
SharePoint 2013 Introduction
Projecting Your Brand Promise through New Media
How to Work from Home as Software Tester
Learn how to work from home working as a software tester utilizing Utest and BugFinders.
Brand New You: A Personal Branding Masterclass – Marisa Murgatroyd
Google Adwords: Essential Tips for Profitable Campaigns
Project Management For Entrepreneurs: 10X Results Today – Rico Rodriguez
Introduction to Databases and SQL Querying – Created by Rakesh Gopalakrishnan
Amazon FBA: Start to Finish Guide
Start Selling on Amazon FBA today. Amazon – Beginner to Expert Guide to Dominate Amazon FBA. Amazon – FBA (eCommerce)
Certified Six Sigma White Belt
Start your Six Sigma journey with the best selling instructor for White, Yellow, Green and Black Belt courses
Master Your Mindset & Brain: Framestorm Your Way to Success
Excel in any situation. Tweak your mindset in brain-smart ways. Master class in reframing based on neuroscience.
Year End Planning – Bruce Wade
Tumblr Marketing: How to Blog, Generate Traffic and Profits
Procurement Transformation with SAP Ariba and SAP S/4HANA (Repeat)
Digital Transformation and Its Impact
Confirmation of Participation: Sorinel Balan (
How the Internet of Things and Smart Services Will Change Society
Iot1 ConfirmationOfParticipation (
Enabling Entrepreneurs to Shape a Better World
HarvardX – Early Christianity: The Letters of Paul.
The course “Early Christianity: The Letters of Paul” explores the context of these letters in the Roman Empire and the impact of these powerful texts today. Laura Nasrallah Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity Harvard University.
Christianity Through Its Scriptures – Harvard University.
Mit Lounch EDX – Launch X – Becoming an Entrepreneur
MITx: 15.390x Entrepreneurship 101: Who is your customer?
MITx: 15.390.2x Entrepreneurship 102: What can you do for your customer? About MIT
Big Data and Social Physics | MITx on edX | Sandy Pentland – video
The Science and Practice of Yoga – UTArlingtonX
This course is for anyone interested in learning the science and practice of yoga. No previous yoga experience is needed! We welcome those who are interested in learning the basics of yoga postures as well as experienced yoga practitioners or instructors looking to deepen their practice.
Christianisme et philosophie dans l’Antiquité
MITx u.lab 0x: Leading Awareness-Based Systems Change – How to Sense and Actualize the Future – MIT
Learn how to lead change in social systems by exploring two root questions of creativity: Who is my Self? What is my Work?
Just Money: Banking as if Society Mattered – MIT
Learn how banks can use capital as a tool to promote social and environmental wellbeing.
MVA – Microsoft Virtual Academy
MVA – Microsoft Virtual Academy – Transform Big Data Into Intelligent Action With Advanced Analytics
MVA – Microsoft Virtual Academy – Sharepoint for Staff
MVA – Microsoft Virtual Academy – MVA OneDrive
MVA – Microsoft Virtual Academy - MS Teams Intro
MVA – Microsoft Virtual Academy – SharePoint and Office 365 Cloud-Connected Hybrid
MVA – Microsoft Virtual Academy – Modern Intranet Powered by SPS
MVA – Microsoft Virtual Academy – Getting Started with SharePoint in the Cloud
Why Do We Age? The Molecular Mechanisms of Ageing – University of Groningen
Why Do We Age? The Molecular Mechanisms of Ageing Why do we age? Is there a limit to human lifespan? Can we prolong our lives? Find out with this free online course. Finished course but did not obtained a certificate but created this bcz I keep a knowledge map. What topics covered? Cellular ageing Chromosomes and ageing Genomic instability and epigenetics Stem cells in ageing and rejuvenation Molecular aspects of health and disease during ageing Genetics and evolution of ageing Recommend this course – address:
Office 365 Web Content Management / SharePoint – Cybrary
Storytelling for Change – +Acumen
How to Build a Sustainable Fashion Business
Introduction to Marketing – THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. It is taught by three of Wharton’s top faculty in the marketing department, which is consistently ranked as the #1 marketing department in the world.
The Science of Well-Being by Yale University - Laurie Santos
Do School – iversity
The course covered introductory level input regarding the relevant steps to starting and implementing a social venture. Content ranged from social impact, to strategy, financing, project & time management, to leadership and communication.
Story Telling – Iversity - Future of Story Telling
Writing for the Web
Explore how writing style, web design and structure can grab the attention of and engage online readers.
Entrepreneurship and Family Business
Entrepreneurship and Family Business. 70% din afacerile din lume sunt afaceri de familie.
Understanding Dementia MOOC – Massive Open Online Course – University of Tasmania
Many teachers would agree that becoming a “connected educator” and developing a PLN (Personal/Professional/Personalized Learning Network) is the most powerful thing you can do to improve your teaching and provide better outcomes for your students. CERT
How to Build a Startup
Steve Blank is a seasoned Silicon Valley entrepreneur. Translation: he has failed and–more often–succeeded, in a 21-year career building 8 Valley startups, including several with major IPO’s. Author of two famous books on entrepreneurship, The Four Steps to the Epiphany, and The Startup Owner’s Manual. Steve teaches entrepreneurship at Udacity, Stanford, Berkeley, Columbia, and other major universities worldwide.
OERUP! – RESURSE EDUCAȚIONALE DESCHISE Perioada 1 septembrie 2014 – 31 august 2016 Proiectul OERup! preia nevoia de a promova și încuraja implementarea cu succes a Resurselor Educaționale Deschise (Eng. OER – Open Educational Resources) și a Practicilor Educaționale Deschise (Eng. OEP – Open Educational Practices) în educația adulților în Europa pentru a extinde participarea la educație deschisă.
Khan Academy – Interviews with entrepreneurs
MUM -Maharishi University of Management
We Create Our Reality – Fred Travis – MUM
Vedic expresions Used by Maharishi -
Crafting A Life – Steve Langerud – FREE at MUM
Description:MBA BCRC is an online Accelerated MBA program: Activities and Societies: Cursurile Premium conţinute de programul MBA: Marketingul Afacerilor – Premium, Comunicare în Afaceri – Premium, Management Strategic – Premium, Advertising. Promovare şi publicitate – Premium, Banking, Credite – Operatiunile Bancare ale firmei, Societati, Contracte şi Operatiuni Comerciale. certificatul a fost editat pentru a scoate datele personale. Certificatul a fost editat pentru a elimina datele personale inserate.
Electronica Functionala
1978 Mihai Draganescu, cel care avea sa devina Presedintele Academiei Romane, Introduce la Fac. de Electronica si telecomunicatii cursuloriginal Electronica functionala (1978-1989) elaborând noi concepte pe care le-a predat studentilor pentru prima oara.
Ioan Alexandru in cursul limba și civilizație ebraică
a ținut in 1980 seminarii de poezie comparată și cursuri – de limba și civilizație ebraică veche la Universitatea din București. Am audiat o parte din acest curs care a avut o audienta atat de mare incat se statea si pe scari. In memoriam : | | | |
Creativitate si Inteligentă – USAMV
Cursuri MT
MT initiere iulie 1981
14 nov 2014 Curs MT Sidhi
SCI – Stiinta Inteligentei Creatoare sept 2013
Total Knowledge 25 Nov – 3 ian 2017 si TK online may 2020-feb 2021
MT Tehnici avansate
Tehnica 1 – Tehnica de Noapte – Mar 5, 2016
Tehnica 2 -
Tehnica 3 – 3 martie 2018
Tehnica 4 – 16 Iunie 2018 Changing Education Paradigms
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